Tuesday 6 April 2010

Political Ideas: Collectivism and Individualism - Using examples distinguish between individualism and collectivism

Here is an essay that I wrote in 2009 while studying political ideologies

Robyn, UK

Using examples distinguish between individualism and collectivism

Collectivism is the belief that collective human endeavour is of greater practical and moral value than individual self-striving, whereas individualism is the belief in the supreme importance of the individual over any social group or collective body.

Collectivism reflects the idea that human nature has a social core. Egotistical individualism, however, believes that individuals are essentially self-interested and self-reliant.

As well as egotistical, individualism can be broken down into methodological and ethical individualism. Ethical individualism implies society should be constructed to benefit the individual and methodological suggests the individual is central to any political theory. Collectivism on the other hand implies that social groups are meaningful political entities and the state should work to benefit society as a whole.

The principle to which they subscribe can greatly affect an ideology’s ideas. Classical liberal’s belief in egotistical individualism has led them to believe society is atomistic, composed of an collection of largely self-reliant individuals. Modern liberals have advanced a developmental form of individualism that prioritises human flourishing over the quest for interest satisfaction. Socialists have used the collectivist idea of human nature to support their belief in community and the capacity of human beings for collective action. Anarchists have embraced both principles with collectivist anarchists stressing the human capacity for social solidarity and individualist anarchist extending individualism with the idea of individual sovereignty.

It can be argued that it is these two contrasting principles that create rivalries within and amongst different political ideologies. Socialism and liberalism can arguably be defined as society versus the individual and modern liberalisms advocation of an interventionist state led classic liberals to excuse them of abandoning individualism and enhancing collectivism.

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Red Dawn said...

Your confusion is common.

You're forgetting two other options - the option of individual altruism, embodied by the "love they neighbor as thyself" maxim of Christianity and the option of "egotistical collectivism" which explains why collectivist superstitions always end up with selfish, greedy, murderous dictators as the masters of the collective.

Egoism is the opposite of altruism.
Individualism is the opposite of collectivism.

Four possibilities, not two.

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