The use of imagination in the “real” world is really heavy in today’s society. The imagination is everywhere around us from advertising, cartoons to movies. Imagination helps drive the world and its beautiful cartoons. There is a small inherent conflict between the imagination and the “real” world. The imagination and the real world co-exist with each other. They come together to create masterpieces of art.
The imagination also helps to give a break in the “real” world. When a person is tired or stressed out he/she may start to imagine a better surrounding. This is an essential technique since it provides stress relief. If a person did not imagine better things they would just explode or give up being motivated.
The imagination is used in the “real” world when we create art, television shows, movies, plays and etc. All of these forms of art were created by someone’s imagination which at some point of time was just an imaging of a concept of something. For example, Walt Disney who is the creator of Mickey Mouse imagined such an iconic character. Now in today’s reality there are Mickey Mouse costumes, people mimic his voice and overall he is an income generating character. The Disney Corporation being such a powerful corporation is so powerful due to its sale of the character Mickey Mouse.
There is a small inherent conflict between the imagination and the “real” world. When people are unable to distinguish between actual reality and imagination would be a conflict. There have been a small number of cases when children were able to get a hold of a gun and shot someone. The child then said that they only shot the person because he/she thought that the person would come back alive due to their imagination. They have imagined that the person that they shot would come back to life. We can see that the child was not able to distinguish between what he/she imagined. To avoid this we as people need to establish the difference between the “real” world and imagination early in a child’s life.
In conclusion, the imagination plays a major role in the “real” world. The imagination is able to produce a better surrounding. The imagination also can help create a product that could be used to generate millions of dollars. There is a small inherent conflict in which some people are not able to distinguish between reality and imagination. We can eradicate this problem by establishing the distinguishable traits between the two as early as possible.
What would you consider good literature in your region?
Cortez A, U.S.
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