The election of Barack Obama has affected lives around the globe; it has truly been a groundbreaking election. People all over the world tuned into America just to view this election. President Barack Obama encompasses everything we look for in a president. He is intelligent, charismatic, and dedicated to build a better America.
Just watching President Obama speak has renewed my own sense of hope. President Obama speaks with eloquence. He speaks in a way that commands your attention. We watch with our eyes wide open wanting more. In some aspects we cry because what he says hits very close to home. For example, when President Obama talks about the struggling economy and its effects on us we may cry. We cry because we may be or know someone that probably has lost something due to this recession. It feels like this President, President Obama is the one America needs.
When I see scenes such as him speaking I sit for a minute and think. I actually cannot believe that someone of his caliber came from a place similar to mine. President Obama attended Harvard University, which is one of the most prestigious schools in America. From my perspective he attained the unattainable. It has been a dream of mine to attend Harvard University. When I see him achieve heights such as this it lets me know to keep on moving. It makes me aware that if I try hard, great things can happen. I can see now that a person's life should not center around what career makes the most money. A person should do what he or she feels that they should be doing.
Another thing that has renewed my sense of hope is the fact that he crosses the racial divide. Every American should be aware of the race issues that lay inside of America's foundation. We are a country built with the help of slaves. We are also a country who excluded certain races from entry into America. The Asian Exclusion Act that was passed in 1924 as part of the Immigration Act of 1924 is an example of race specific legislation in the United States. It was designed to restrict freedom of movement to people on the basis of their race and national origin. Last but not least we are a country that viewed segregation as legal because it viewed some races as inferior.
Every American is by all means aware of our past. Throughout the hundreds of years that America has been developed as a country a defensive race mindset has been developed. This mindset regard some races as superior while others are inferior. Some people viewed African-Americans as people who would not achieve anything. President Obama has achieved the ultimate dream by becoming America's first African-American president. He has crushed the racial stereotype that consistently persists in America.
There are stereotypes such as African-Americans are all drug sellers or that Spanish-Americans came to this country illegally. These are the stereotypes that go through a person's mind and prevent them from getting to know people. In addition to this America is faced with de facto segregation. De facto segregation is the segregation of races that happens in fact rather than by law. For example, when you look at a lot of neighborhoods and schools in Chicago, you will see that most are predominantly one race. A lot of our communities are predominantly one race which makes our schools one race and of one mindset. There is no personal benefit when there is only one mind frame. America lives through its diversity and without it we're stuck with only, one idea that gets us nowhere, for people to know things and knowledge to be gained different concepts and ideals must then be introduced. Integration is the key to saving our great nation. President Obama is the president that I think will integrate us all so we can truly benefit from diversity.
This has allowed millions of people to see that African-Americans are more than capable of becoming great leaders. By seeing this, it truly inspires us to become better people. We are all captivated by this election. After the election I was in a transcending state of disbelief. I couldn't believe that I was born when the first African American president was elected. The election inspired me to become a better person. Before the election I had a mindset that I will become a successful person with only one thing on my mind myself. I was only concerned about myself and the things I would achieve in life. After watching President Obama, and reasoning about the things he's been through, I feel empowered. I now believe that I should give back to my community in a positive way. I should inspire others to become better people in the way that President Obama has inspired me.
The phrase "Yes We Can" resonates through my mind constantly. I have heard this phrase many times before; I never stopped to think how the words "Yes We Can" could impact America so much. When Obama was declared President of the United States everyone in my community was yelling this motto-"Yes We Can!". This motto exhorts us to do the things we thought were impossible. I can envision the world as a positive place to be. I used to worry about the future of America; but no longer. President Obama will change America for the better. We have elected a man who will be of great benefit to the world. As I come to a close, I would like to say "Thank You" to President Obama for instilling hope in millions.
Cortez A., US
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