America is an expanding and non-stopping nation. America is perceived to be a positive nation full of vibrant different people. During the early years of America’s foundation the concept of freedom is something that brought it to its prime regarding population. There were a lot of positive perceptions about America. America was perceived to be a beacon of freedom. This is what started America’s imperialistic ideology. Too many times do we look at the positive aspect of imperialism but never do we look at the negative.
America’s imperialistic ideals were exhibited through slavery, political manuscripts, and etc. “They cannot imagine greater elegance than to drink to the foreigner’s breeches and ideas, and to strut over the globe, proud as the pompom tail of the fondled lap dog.”[1] This quote is simply explaining the idea that America spreads it cultures through many different aspects. Americans had taken Africans from their homeland and had the Africans resorted to slavery. The Americans then had stripped the Africans of their culture and assimilated them to American culture. This is the ideal of imperialism which is to spread your way of life to as many people as possible.
The people who instituted this imperialistic ideology believed that it was a needed intervention. The intervention caused for America to step in and bring order since it was viewed as the policemen to the Western Hemisphere. “Chronic wrong-doing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation” [2]. America has now been established as a superpower and begins to expand its control. Americans began to realize how powerful control really is and is now acting upon it. By them acting upon it they are influencing other people and nations to be docile and allow America to take control.
America has also exploited other nations for their natural resources due to its imperialistic nature. “They have a great natural riches, and if within their borders the reign and justice obtains, prosperity is sure to come to them. While they thus obey the primary laws of civilized society they may rest assured that they will be treated by us in a spirit of cordial and helpful sympathy.”[3] America has hidden intentions of controlling the nation. Americans knows that the nation may be weary of allowing another nation to come in and change policies. Americans also thought of a way to bypass such suspicious thoughts by diminishing them before they started. By assuring the nation that they will be treated well allows for Americans to get closer to expanding.
America is looking out for its best interest with any move that is made. America does wants to be portrayed in a positive manner. Any publicity it can get will be spreading its control. “ All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly, and prosperous”. Americans are expanding control since the country it may help may speak well of them. It is true when people say that word of mouth is sometimes the best advertising. The communication between different countries slowly helped emerge America as a superpower.
[1] Robert H. Holden , Latin America and the United States: The Character of the United States (New York: Oxford Publishing, 2000), 62
[2] Theodore Roosevelt, Latin America and the United States: The Roosevelt Corollary to the United States (New York: Oxford Publishing, 1904), 101
[3] Theodore Roosevelt, Latin America and the United States: The Roosevelt Corollary to the United States (New York: Oxford Publishing, 1904), 102
Cortez A., U.S.
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